Price Calculation Module

Fast and Easy Cost Calculations

The Costing Module is used for calculations of costs based on actual wages and other costs for each customer.

The price calculation will be based on your calculated cleaning times for each of your customers. Whenever you change a room, a cleaning frequency, or other registrations affecting the total cleaning time, you may view the new price calculation immediately.

Thus offering an overall view of your revenues and your expenses for each cleaning assignment calculated.

The price calculation works almost like an ordinary spreadsheet, to be adapted by yourself as required. You may even create various spreadsheets, to be used for various calculations on each of your customers.

Applying the Price Calculation Module will enable you to always calculate your cleaning quotations correctly, so as to be sure to make money on the assignments performed by you.

You will key-in and adjust wage rates, etc., for your calculations to meet the exact requirements of your company.


PRICE CALCULATION Calculation of overall expenses, based on time calculations from the space inventory.

RATES Create wage and percentage rate tables of your own, as well as costs for other work tasks.


Read more about the next module → Report Generator