- Find and select the task set you want to export.
- Export the task set.
- Change the database to the other/new one and find the task set you want to import the exported task set on to.
- Import the exported task set.
Detailed guide
Click on “Data” in the main menu and select “Task sets”.
Select the task set you want to export.
Click on “Files” in the menu in the task set window and click “Export”.
Click on the “Start” button to export the tast set.
Go to the database and task set, you want to import the exported task set to.
Click on “Files” in the main menu and select “Import”.
Click on”Add” in the “Progress” window. Find and open the exported task set and click on “Start” to import the tasks.
(If the database already has a task set with same ID, the system asks you to change the ID, or to overwrite/update existing set)