Calculation Module

Time Calculation

The Cleaning System includes a comprehensive set of key figures (floor and furniture and equipment times) frequencies, and room models. These are used to calculate the daily cleaning times for each room.

The Calculation Module contains all you need to maintain tasks, frequencies and task times, and make new Area Types (calculation models) which fit your cleaning operations.

Both the Basic Module and the Planning Module use the times from the Calculation Module to calculate times and production rates per room, floor, building, customer, department, and work schedule.

It is thus important for you to get the Calculation Module if you want to use The Cleaning System to calculate your cleaning times.

The Cleaning System works with dynamic room models. Consequently, you only need to create one model for each room type (like ”office” or ”toilet”). This model will then adapt dynamically to the particular rooms without any need of having to make any changes to the model.


TASKS, FREQUENCIES AND TASK TIMES Registration and maintenance of the system’s basic tasks, frequencies and task times.

PROFILES Registration and maintenance of cleaning/frequency profiles. The system also allows for registration and maintenance of quality profiles, hygiene levels, and general service profiles.

AREA TYPES Registration and maintenance of the system’s basic model world.

Read more about the next module → Measuring Module